Recruitment Services

Contingency Recruitment​

At JupiterHR, we take pride in connecting the Black tech community with dynamic, inclusive and safe work environments where they can truly be themselves. Our fee-based approach is not only budget-friendly for companies but also a commitment to increase the number of Black applicants in your pipeline.

Sourcing For Black Talent Workshop​

Our workshop offers a comprehensive and tailored approach for companies looking to increase their Black tech talent pool. Attendees will gain valuable insights into the market and the specific challenges Black professionals face in the tech industry. Customized sourcing tools and live sourcing sessions, led by our experts, will provide attendees with the resources and strategies needed to connect with Black candidates successfully. Furthermore, the workshop includes an interactive employer branding session to help attendees understand how to create an inclusive and attractive employer brand that appeals to Black talent.

Employer Branding​

Our agency provides expert guidance on how to effectively brand for Black candidates through the strategic use of messaging and social media. We also offer live event and panel hosting services that allow companies to promote their employer brand to the Black community. With over 150k social media followers, we have the expertise to offer insights into the historical context that shapes hiring strategies for Black tech talent, as well as provide guidance on messaging and social media.

Job Posting Broadcast​

Maximize your reach and increase the number of Black applicants in your pipeline by broadcasting your job postings across our extensive social and private networks. With over 150k followers, our networks provide a vast audience of diverse and qualified Black candidates ready to take the next step in their careers.